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I am passionate about understanding how the design and delivery of simulation both signals the values and beliefs of those coordinating exercises and also shapes cultural learning for those participating. This line of inquiry, which we are pursuing in medical students and high functioning professional teams, raises exciting possibilities around actively shaping culture. Right now we are particularly interested in understanding the bidirectional effect of psychological safety in simulation and departments.


Our research team is applying the relational coordination theory to explore how medical teams coordinate complex, time dependent work. Through a recent collaborative ethnography, 500 trauma care providers collectively reflected on then developed strategies around how we might better enact shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect ultimately to better care for patients. Based on the successes in trauma we are facilitating similar quality improvement processes in maternity care, critical care, and cardiology.


I am dedicated to understanding and improving the way that we design, deliver, and debrief simulation. 

I conduct research related to the use of embedded simulated faculty and novel techniques for simulation delivery including visually enhanced mental simulation. 



Rapid cycle ethnography to support real-time decision making during a pandemic.

Our team of emergency physicians, residents, and nurses undertook a rapid cycle ethnography of the emergency department to provide the "pulse on the ground" to department leadership to support real time decision making. Secondary goals of this project were to use a moment of cultural compression to better understand emergency department culture.



Brazil, V., Purdy, E. El-Kheir A, & Szabo, R. (2023). Faculty development for translational simulation: a qualitative study of current practice. Advances in Simulation, 8(25).  


Purdy, E., Borchert, L., El‐Bitar, A., Isaacson, W., Jones, C., Bills, L., & Brazil, V. (2023). Psychological safety and emergency department team performance: A mixed‐methods study. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 35(3), 456-465.


Purdy, E., Symon, B., Marks, R. E., Speirs, C., & Brazil, V. (2023). Exploring equity, diversity, and inclusion in a simulation program using the SIM-EDI tool: the impact of a reflexive tool for simulation educators. Advances in Simulation, 8(1), 11.


Hodgson, T., Brazil, V., & Purdy, E. (2023). You are in charge now: exploration of educational relationships between anaesthetic trainees and their supervising specialists. BJA Open, 6, 100137.


Brazil, V., Orr, R., Canetti, E. F., Isaacson, W., Stevenson, N., & Purdy, E. (2023). Exploring participant experience to optimize the design and delivery of stress exposure simulations in emergency medicine. AEM Education and Training, 7(2), e10852.


Dace, W., Purdy, E., & Brazil, V. (2022). Wearing hats and blending boundaries: harmonising professional identities for clinician simulation educators. Advances in Simulation, 7(1), 1-10.


Petrosoniak, A., Gabriel, J., & Purdy, E. (2022). Stop asking if it works, start making it happen: exploring barriers to clinical event debriefing in the ED. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 1-2.


Purdy, E., Forster, G., Manlove, H., McDonough, L., Powell, M., Wood, K., ... & Douglas, S. L. (2022). COVID-19 has heightened tensions between and exposed threats to core values of emergency medicine. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 24(6), 585-598.


Brazil, V., McLean, D., Lowe, B., Kordich, L., Cullen, D., De Araujo, V., ... & Purdy, E. (2022). A relational approach to improving interprofessional teamwork in post-partum haemorrhage (PPH). BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1-12.

Purdy, E., Borchert, L., El-Bitar, A., Isaacson, W., Bills, L., & Brazil, V. (2022). Taking simulation out of its “safe container”—exploring the bidirectional impacts of psychological safety and simulation in an emergency department. Advances in Simulation, 7(1), 1-9.

Purdy, E. Roseby, R. Brinkman, M., Blackmore, E., Meyer, C. & Cabrera D. (2021). Education as culture: the Amazing and Case Conference. JGME, 13 (1).

Purdy, E., et al. (2020) Doing our work better, together: a relationship-based approach to defining the quality improvement agenda in trauma care. BMJ Open Quality, 9(1).

Hall, A. K., Nousiainen, M. T., Campisi, P., Dagnone, J. D., Frank, J. R., Kroeker, K. I., ... & Oswald, A. (2020). Training disrupted: Practical tips for supporting competency-based medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical Teacher, 1-6.

Purdy, E., Alexander, C., Caughley, M., Bassett, S., & Brazil, V. (2019). Identifying and Transmitting the Culture of Emergency Medicine Through Simulation. AEM education and training, 3(2), 118-128.

Brazil, V., Purdy, E., Alexander, C., & Matulich, J. (2019). Improving the relational aspects of trauma care through translational simulation. Advances in Simulation, 4(1), 10.

Purdy, E. Alexander, C. Shaw, R., & Brazil V. (2019). The Team Briefing: Setting up Relational Coordination for your Resuscitation. Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine, accepted pending publication. 

Brazil, V. Purdy, E., & Bajaj, K. (2019). Connecting Simulation and Quality Improvement - How can Healthcare Simulation Really Improve Patient Care? BMJ Quality and Safety, accepted pending publication. 

Ting, D.K., Thoma, B., Luckett‐Gatopoulos, S., Thomas, A., Syed, S., Bravo, M., Zaver, F., Purdy, E., Kwok, E.S. and Chan, T.M. (2019). Canadi EM: Accessing a Virtual Community of Practice to Create a Canadian National Medical Education Institution. AEM education and training, 3(1).

Thoma, B., Sebok-Syer, S.S., Colmers-Gray, I., Sherbino, J., Ankel, F., Trueger, N.S., Grock, A., Siemens, M., Paddock, M., Purdy, E. and Kenneth Milne, W., (2018). Quality evaluation scores are no more reliable than gestalt in evaluating the quality of emergency medicine blogs: a METRIQ study. Teaching and learning in medicine, 30(3). 

Thoma, B., Paddock, M., Purdy, E., Sherbino, J., Milne, W. K., Siemens, M., ... & Chan, T. (2017). Leveraging a virtual community of practice to participate in a survey‐based study: a description of the METRIQ study methodology. AEM education and training, 1(2), 110-113.

Sidalak, D., Purdy, E., Luckett-Gatopoulos, S., Murray, H., Thoma, B., & Chan, T. M. (2017). Coached peer review: developing the next generation of authors. Academic Medicine, 92(2), 201-204.

Purdy, E., Thoma, B., Milne, K., & Bond, C. (2016). SGEM Hot Off the Press: hypertonic saline in severe traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 18(5), 379-384.

Purdy, E., Thoma, B., Bednarczyk, J., Migneault, D., & Sherbino, J. (2015). The use of free online educational resources by Canadian emergency medicine residents and program directors. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 17(2), 101-106.

Purdy, E., Johnston, D. L., Bartels, U., Fryer, C., Carret, A. S., Crooks, B., ... & Zelcer, S. (2014). Ependymoma in children under the age of 3 years: a report from the Canadian Pediatric Brain Tumour Consortium. Journal of neuro-oncology, 117(2), 359-364.

Lafay‐Cousin, L., Purdy, E., Huang, A., Cushing, S. L., Papaioannou, V., Nettel‐Aguirre, A., & Bouffet, E. (2013). Early cisplatin induced ototoxicity profile may predict the need for hearing support in children with medulloblastoma. Pediatric blood & cancer, 60(2), 287-292.


Purdy, E., Forrester, S., & Brazil, V. (2024). Research Opportunities and Knowledge Translation: Saying “Yes” to Simulation Research for the Care of Older Adults. Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Geriatric Simulation: A Focus on Older Adults as Simulated Participants, 69-76.

Brazil, V., Purdy, E., & Bajaj, K. (2023). Simulation as an improvement technique. Elements of Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare.

Purdy, E.(2019). Doing our Work Better Together: an Application of Relational Coordination Theory to Explore and Shape Excellence in Trauma Care. (Unpublished Master's Thesis). University of North Texas. Denton, Texas. 

Purdy, E., & Reznick, R. (2018).Educating for Innovation in Medicine. A Canadian Healthcare Innovation Agenda: Policy, Governance, and Strategy, 195, 217.

Chan TM, McColl T, Luckett-Gatopoulos S, Purdy E, Velji A,  Eicken J, Thoma B. (2018). Medical Education in Cases: Volume 4. Digital File. San Francisco, CA; Academic Life in Emergency Medicine. ISBN: 978-0-9992825-2-6

Chan TM, McColl T, Luckett-Gatopoulos S, Purdy E, Eicken J, Thoma B. (2017). Medical Education in Cases: Volume 3. Digital File. San Francisco, CA; Academic Life in Emergency Medicine. ISBN: 978-0-9907948-9-9.

Chan, T., McColl, T., Luckett-Gatopoulos, S., Purdy, E., Thoma, B. (Eds). (2016). Medical Education in Cases: Volume 2 (1st Edition). Digital File. San Francisco, CA; Academic Life in Emergency Medicine. ISBN: 978-0-9907948-4-4.


International Clinician Educators Blog

I write a regular column for a blog that stimulates discussion about medical education around the globe.


Purdy, E., Symon, B., & Brazil V., (2024). Letter to the editor - Let’s Keep Sims Safe Not Soft. Simulation in Healthcare, 19(2).  

Purdy, E. (2021). Value Congruence: Aligning Who We Are with Who We Want to Be. CAEP Wellness Week. January 2021.

Purdy, E. (2020). Emergency Department Culture 101. CanadiEM. Accessed Nov 2020.

Purdy, E. (2020). Normalizing Deviance. CMAJ Blog. 

Brazil, V., Purdy, E. & Gormley, G. (2020). Simulation or Simulacrum. Can Simulation Be Too Real? Simulcast. 

Murray, H. & Purdy, E. (2020). How we are using simulation to help our hospital prepare for COVID-19. CMAJ Blog.  

Brazil, V. & Purdy, E. (2019). Simulation Safety Spotlight- A call for Safety Briefings in Sim. ICEnet Blog. Accessed July 2019.  

Spurr, J. Brazil V. & Purdy, E.(2019). Episode 78 - Advances in Simulation: Transmitting Culture Through Simulation. Simulcast Podcast. 

Purdy, E., & Brazil V. (2018). Professional socialization, tribalism, and career trajectories. OntheWards Blog. Accessed July 2019. 

Purdy, E., Meyer C., & Blackmore, L. (2018). Amazing and Awesome Rounds. CanadiEM Blog. Accessed July 2019.

Riddell, J., Gottlieb, M., Kim, D. J., Lew, E., Paddock, M.,Purdy, E., ... & Chan, T. M. (2017). Appropriateness of Facebook Friending Between Residents and Attending Physicians. Journal of graduate medical education, 9(2), 259-260.

Milne, K., Thoma, B., Bond, C., Purdy, E., Yiu, S., Targonsky, E., & Chan, T. (2014). CanFOAMed: Canadians can do FOAM too. Emergency Medicine Journal, 31(4), 351-351


Purdy E. “Small moments matter: cultivating culture for high performance.” Invited Keynote Address. Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Annual Scientific Meeting. April 2024. 


Purdy E. “Safe, not soft: psychological safety for high performance.” Invited plenary. Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Annual Scientific Meeting. April 2024. 


Purdy E. “Looking inwards to improve – EDI in simulation”. Invited Keynote Address. Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare. November 2022. 


Brazil V., Purdy E., Donahue A., Crowe L. Orr R. “High Performing Teams”. Invited Keynote and Panel. Australian Trauma Symposium. September 2022.


Purdy E. “Small moments matter – unleashing your team’s potential.” Invited Keynote Address. Don’t Forget the Bubbles. August 2022. 


Purdy E. “The leaky container – risks and rewards of simulation for high performing teams.” Invited Keynote Address. Society for Simulation In Europe Annual Meeting. June 2022. 

Purdy E. “Capably Navigating Acuity and Uncertainty Together”. Invited Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians National Grand Rounds. Online – Canada. January 2022.


Purdy E. “Psychological Safety is No Accident – Lessons from the Emergency Department and Simulation”. Invited Grand Rounds. The Women’s Hospital, Melbourne. December 2021.


Purdy E. “Psychological safety is no accident – better team performance in emergency medicine.” Invited Keynote Address. Royal College of Emergency Physicians Conference. United Kingdom. Oct 2021. 


Purdy E. “Working together in crisis: acute response to acute COVID-19 as a moment of cultural magnification, change and transformation in emergency medicine.” Invited plenary. Winter Symposium of the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine. Cairns. July 2021.


Purdy, E. and Victoria Brazil. “Getting to CT Fast and Safe: Simulation for High Performing Teams in Complex Systems” Invited Keynote Address. Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Conference. June 2021.


Purdy, E. “Soft is the new hardcore: why relationships in resuscitation matter.” Invited Plenary. Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Conference. June 2021. 


Purdy, E. et al. “Simulation Panel Discussion.” Invited panelist. Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Conference. June 2021.

Purdy, E. "Simulation and Patient Safety." Invited Presentation. ACEM Patient Safety Workshop. March 2021.

Purdy, E. "Doing our work better, together - psychological safety in the ED". Invitied Keynote. Emergency Department Administrative Conference. November 2020. 

Purdy, E. "Doing our work better, together - mentoring for ICU nurses". Invited workshop. Kingston Health Sciences Center. May 2020. 

Purdy, E & Brazil, V. (2020). "Simulated Team Briefings for Critical Care." Workshop. IMSH: San Diego, California.

Purdy, E, Brazil. V.  & Spurr, J. (2020). "Shape Organizational Culture Through Translational Simulation." IMSH: San Diego, California.

Purdy, E. (2019). Transmitting the culture of emergency though simulation. Invited Top 3 Early Investigators Presentation. Canadian Sim Summit: Winnipeg, Canada.

Purdy E. "Doing our work better, together: relational coordination and simulation for excellence in teamwork". Invited Medical Grand Rounds, Gold Coast University Hospital. May 2019.

Purdy E. "Doing work better, together: junior doctors as relational champions." Invited presentation On the Wards Conference. Sydney, Australia. May 2019.

Purdy E., Brazil V, Rudolph J. “Learning to be better, together”. Invited presentation at Social Media and Critical Care Conference. March 2019. 

Purdy E. "Using simulation to understand and shape culture". Invited presentation at the Southeastern Queensland Simulation Fellow Symposium. (April 2019).

Purdy, E et al. “Doing work better together: relational coordination in trauma care” Presentation at Gold Coast University Hospital Research Day (November 2018) and Queensland Trauma Symposium (February 2019).

Purdy E. "Anaphylaxis and Adrenaline." Invited Presentation at Don't Forget the Bubbles Paediatric Conference. Melbourne, Australia. August 2018.

Purdy, E. “Emerg-ing ideas in feminist anthropology.” Invited Presentation at the FeminEM Idea Exchange. New York, New York. October 2017. 

Purdy, E., Connelly, R., Leveridge M. “Social media use by medical students and residency program directors.” Poster presented at the Social Media and Critical Care Conference. Queensland, Australia. March 2014. 

Purdy, E., Johnson, H., Leung, M., Chen, A., Kwan., J., Jones, C., Connelly, B., & Winthrop A. “Just a Clerk Blog: a successful failed learning experiment.” Oral presentation at Canadian Conference on Medical Education, April 2015. Vancouver, Canada. 

Purdy, E., Chan, T., Gatopoulos S., Thoma, B., & Murray, H. “Reviewing with the staff: BoringEM’s creation of a robust peer review process for a learner-oriented blog.” Invited podium presentation at International Conference on Resident Education, October 2015. Vancouver, Canada. 

Purdy, E., Dolman, P., & Verma, A. “Resident Leadership in the Digital Age.” Invited workshop at the International Resident Leadership Summit, October 2015. Vancouver, Canada.

Purdy, E., Chan, T., & Gibson, M. “Creating and Curating Personal Online Learning Environments Workshop.” Workshop at Canadian Conference on Medical Education, April 2015. Vancouver Canada. 

Chan, T., Purdy, E., & Luckett-Gatopoulos, S. “MedICs: Medical Education in Cases”. Workshop at the Social Media and Critical Care Conference. Chicago, Illinois, United States, June 2015. 

Purdy, E. “You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone: point of care learning tools in the emergency department.” Invited oral “FOAM” track presentation, Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Conference, June 2015. Edmonton, Alberta. 

Purdy, E., Thoma, B., Migneault, D., Benarczyk, J., & Sherbino J. “The use of free online educational resources by Canadian emergency medicine residents and program directors.” Oral presentation at the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Conference. Ottawa, Ontario, June 2014. 

Yiu, S., Thoma, B., Purdy, E., & Jalali, A. “An introduction to social media in medical education for emergency medicine.” Workshop at the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2014.


Purdy, E., Pitt , D., Willamson, A., & Sanfilippo A. “Premedical education and career outcomes: a forty-year perspective.” Poster presented by Willamson at the Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Ottawa, Ontario, April 2014.Poster presented by Purdy at the Medical Student Research Showcase. Queen’s University, September 2014. 

Gibson, M., Purdy, E., & Andrews, M., “Geriatrics, twitter, and flipping the distraction: use of social media in a geriatric psychiatry unit in undergraduate medical education.” Collaborative oral presentation at the Canadian Conference on Medical Education. Ottawa, Ontario, April 2014. 

Purdy, E., & Rob Brison “The relationship between fall severity and preventable risk factors in elderly patients presenting to the Emergency Department” poster presented at The Canadian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference. Montreal, Quebec, November 2013.

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